Nancy Carter, RN PhD
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Nancy is currently a Canadian Health Services Research Foundation Post Doctoral Fellow (2009-2011), working with academic supervisors Dr. John Lavis in the Program for Policy Decision-Making at McMaster University and Dr. Joanne Profetto-McGrath at the University of Alberta School of Nursing. If researchers have a question or want to clarify certain points, they contact for healthcare essay writing help to qualitatively analyze all available materials, have a sample and examples. Nancy will also work with decision maker partners Sandra McDonald-Rencz at the Office of Nursing Policy, Health Canada and Nan Brooks, Executive Director of the Academy of Canadian Executive Nurses. The objective of her Postdoctoral Award is to build a program of health research focused on assessing the knowledge needs of Canadian nursing administrators and leaders around advanced practice nursing (APN) and their preferred methods of receiving information and evidence, and to explore future APN related research. Nancy is also the Junior Faculty Member in the CHSRF/CIHR Chair Program in Advanced Practice Nursing at McMaster and is involved in a number of APN research projects with researchers from McMaster, Ryerson University and Dalhousie University. Prior to this, Nancy earned a PhD from McMaster University. Her experience includes working in health administrative positions in various healthcare organizations in Ontario and clinical nursing practice in pediatrics.