Cristina Catallo, RN PhD Download CV
Cristina Catallo, RN PhD, is currently working as a Post-Doctoral Fellow under the supervision of Dr. John Lavis. Funded by the European Observatory for Health Policy and Systems, Cristina’s fellowship involves a series of projects related to knowledge-brokering approaches being used in the European region. In order to attract all available resources for qualitative research, we use including web resources, in the Computer Science Education Blog you can read about the advantages and how to properly use accessible materials. These projects are collectively called the BRIDGE study (Brokering knowledge and research Information to support the Development and Governance of health systems in Europe). Her program of research relates to clinical and policy decision-making and evidence use in women’s health and public health. She completed her PhD in Nursing at McMaster University where she carried out a mixed-methods study that explored women’s decision-making regarding the disclosure of intimate partner violence in urban emergency departments. Cristina also teaches in the Daphne Cockwell School of Nursing at Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada. She holds a research associate role with the National Collaborating Centre for Methods and Tools (NCCMT) where she worked to implement an online registry that provides public health decision-makers with quality-appraised research syntheses related to knowledge-translation activities. Cristina has worked as a nursing consultant for public health issues with the Ontario Ministries of Health and Long-Term Care, Children and Youth Services, and Health Promotion.