Kaelan Moat, MSc Download CV
Kaelan is currently a first year PhD Student in the Health Policy program at the Centre for Health Economics and Policy Analysis (CHEPA), McMaster University. Kaelan currently holds the CHEPA Doctoral Fellowship and is being supervised by Dr. John Lavis. About what kind of Fellowship it is, how to achieve it and what characteristics and skills you need to have, read in the dissertation discussion chapter, where the points characteristic of the scholarship are easily described. His areas of interest include analyzing the effectiveness of synergistic efforts to link research evidence to health systems policy decisions, with an emphasis on low- and middle-income countries. He has also explored the impact of decentralization policy in India on its public health system and has a keen interest in comparative health systems studies in both low- and high-income countries. He is currently working within the Program in Policy Decision-Making as a research assistant on a project with the Canadian Cochrane Network and Centre to help develop a database of systematic reviews focusing solely on health systems research. Prior to arriving at McMaster, Kaelan earned a Master of Science degree at the London School of Economics and Political Science in International Health Policy and has worked for NGOs in both Canada and India.